T-SQL dialect of SQL doesn't have aggregate functions for strings, but there is an easy workaround using magic of XML.
Consider Employees table of the Northwind database. When I run following query:
1 | SELECT Country, FirstName FROM Employees ORDER BY Country, FirstName |
I get following result:
Now I want to combine first names into comma separated strings grouped by country.Take a look at following SQL code:
1 | SELECT DISTINCT Country, |
3 | (STUFF(( SELECT ',' + FirstName FROM Employees E2 WHERE E1.Country = E2.Country ORDER BY FirstName |
4 | FOR XML PATH( '' ), TYPE, ROOT).value( 'root[1]' , 'nvarchar(max)' ),1,1, '' )) as FirstNames |
6 | FROM Employees E1 ORDER BY Country |
The internal subquery is the important part. The FOR XML PATH clause combines data into a single output, the ,TYPE, ROOT statements make sure that the output is of XML type with a root node. And the .value method converts output into varchar to display characters like "<" or ">" correctly. The result:
2 | UK Anne,Michael,Robert,Steven |
3 | USA Andrew,Janet,Laura,Margaret,Nancy |
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