SQL Server 2005 | Oracle 10gR2 |
Verbiage |
Instance | Database |
Instance |
Database | Schema |
User | User |
System & User Databases | Schemas SYS and SYSTEM schemas | SYS and SYSTEM schemas | temporary tablespace | stored in SYS schema | |
Storage Concepts Row | Page | Extent (always 64K) | - | Primary Datafile | - | FileGroup | - | | Storage Concepts Row | Block | Extent (user defined sizing) | Segment | Data File | Tempfile | Tablespace (usable by multiple schemas) | Default Tablespace | |
Note: The the way primary and secondary datafiles are mapped in SQL Server does not relate to how data files are mapped in Oracle. |
- | Real Application Cluster |
Cluster Server | Data Guard |
Standby Server | Standby Server |
Bulk Insert | SQL*Loader |
Primary Data File | System Data File |
Secondary Data File | Combination of Data Files |
Log File | Log Files Not Used For Rollback |
Note: The log file concept and architecture are completely different |
Truncate Transaction Logs | No Equivalent: Not An Issue |
Logical File Name | Tablespace |
Object Types |
Clusters no equivalent | Cluster by Hash | no equivalent | Cluster by Index | no equivalent | Sorted Hash Cluster | |
Constraints Primary Key | Primary Key | Unique Key | Unique | Foreign Key | Referential (Foreign Key) | Foreign Key On Delete Cascade | On Delete Cascade | Foreign Key Set Null | On Delete Set Null | no equivalent | Deferrable | no equivalent | RELY / NORELY | no equivalent | VALIDATE / NOVALIDATE | Check | Check | NULL / NOT NULL | NULL / NOT NULL | no equivalent | Read Only | no equivalent | REF (Nested Table Constraint) | |
Database Linkages Linked Server | Database (DB) Link | |
Dimension |
Functions (user defined) Aggregate | Function | Function | Function | Table Function | Pipelined Table Function | IN and OUT Parameters Only | IN, OUT, and IN-OUT Parameters | Parameter Default | Parameter Default | |
Indexes Index | B*Tree | no equivalent | Bitmap | no equivalent | Bitmap Join | no equivalent | Cluster | Clustered Index | Index Organized Table | no equivalent | Compressed | Descending | Descending | Filtered | Duplicates Oracle Normal B*Tree Functionality | can be imitated with a computed column | Function Based | Global | Global | Local | Local | no equivalent | No Segment (Virtual) | Non-Unique | Non-Unique | no equivalent | Reverse | no equivalent | REF | Unique | Unique | |
Libraries |
Materialized Views Indexed View | Materialized Views (multiple types) | |
Operators (user defined) no equivalent | Operator | no equivalent | Overloading | |
Packages no equivalent | Package Header | no equivalent | Package Body | no equivalent | Initialization Section | no equivalent | Overloading | no equivalent | Serial Reusability | |
Procedures (user defined) Procedure | Stored Procedure | IN and OUT Parameters Only | IN, OUT, and IN-OUT Parameters | Parameter Default | Parameter Default | no equivalent | NOCOPY | no equivalent | AUTHID | |
Rules deprecated | CHECK Constraint | |
Schemas |
Surrogate Key Generator no equivalent | Sequence | Identity | no equivalent | |
Synonyms Synonym | Private Synonym | no equivalent | Public Synonym | Creatable for limited object types | Creatable for all object types | |
Tables Table | Heap Table | Cluster Index | Index Organized Table | Column Default | Column Default | no equivalent | Compressed Table | Computed Column | Function Based Index | no equivalent | External Table | no equivalent | Global Temporary Table (con commit delete rows) | no equivalent | Global Temporary Table (on commit preserve rows) | no equivalent | Nested Table | no equivalent | Hash Partitioned Table | no equivalent | List Partitioned Table | with Create Partition Function and Create Partition Schema | Range Partitioned Table | no equivalent | Subpartitioned Table | Temporary Table | not required due to MVCC | no equivalent | XML Table | no equivalent | PCTUSED | FILLFACTOR | PCTFREE | no equivalent | INITRANS | no equivalent | MAXTRANS | |
Types Type | Type | User Defined Table Type (limited equiv) | Type Header | no equivalent | Type Body with Methods | no equivalent | Object | no equivalent | VArray | |
Views View | View | Check Option | Check Option | ORDER BY (only with TOP clause) | ORDER BY | |
Built-in Operators |
Arithmetic Operators + (add) | + (add) | - (subtract) | - (subtract) | * (multiply) | * (multiply) | / (divide) | / (divide) | % (modulo) | mod function | power function | ** (power) | |
Assignment Operators = (equals) | := (colon equals) | |
Bitwise Operators & (bitwise AND) | utl_raw.bit_and | | (bitwise OR) | utl_raw.bit_or | ^ (bitwise exclusive OR) | utl_raw.bit_xor | ~ (bitwise NOT) | no equivalent | no equivalent | utl_raw.bit_complement | |
Comparison Operators = (equal to) | = (equal to) | > (greater than) | > (greater than) | < (less than) | < (less than) | >= (greater than or equal to) | >= (greater than or equal to) | <= (less than or equal to) | <= (less than or equal to) | <> (not equal to) | <> (not equal to) | != (not equal to) | != (not equal to) | <> (not equal to) | =^ (not equal to) | <> (not equal to) | ~= (not equal to) | !< (not less than) | no equivalent | !> (not greater than) | no equivalent | |
Date Operators no equivalent | + (add) | no equivalent | - (subtract) | |
Conditions ALL | ALL | AND | AND | ANY | ANY | BETWEEN | BETWEEN | no equivalent | DEPTH | no equivalent | EMPTY | no equivalent | EQUALS_PATH | EXISTS | EXISTS | IN | INFINITE | no equivalent | IS A SET | no equivalent | IS ANY | no equivalent | IS NULL | no equivalent | IS OF ONLY | no equivalent | IS OF TYPE | no equivalent | IS PRESENT | LIKE | LIKE | no equivalent | MEMBER OF | no equivalent | NAN | NOT | NOT | OR | OR | no equivalent | PATH | SOME | SOME | no equivalent | SUBMULTISET OF | no equivalent | UNDER_PATH | |
Multiset Operators no equivalent | MULTISET | no equivalent | MULTISET EXCEPT | no equivalent | MULTISET INTERSECT | no equivalent | MULTISET UNION | |
String Operators + (concatenation) | || (concatenation) | |
Unary Operators + (positive) | + (positive) | - (negative) | - (negative) | |
Triggers |
DDL Triggers ALL SERVER | DATABASE | ALTER | ALTER | no equivalent | ASSOCIATE STATISTICS | no equivalent | AUDIT | no equivalent | COMMENT | CREATE | CREATE | DATABASE | SCHEMA | DENY | (not irrelevant) | no equivalent | DDL | no equivalent | DISASSOCIATE STATISTICS | DROP | DROP | GRANT | GRANT | no equivalent | NOAUDIT | no equivalent | RENAME | REVOKE | REVOKE | no equivalent | SUSPEND | no equivalent | TRUNCATE | UPDATE STATISTICS | ANALYZE | |
System Triggers no equivalent | DATABASE | no equivalent | SCHEMA | AFTER LOGON | AFTER LOGON | no equivalent | AFTER SERVERERROR | no equivalent | AFTER STARTUP | no equivalent | BEFORE LOGOFF | no equivalent | BEFORE SHUTDOWN | |
Table Triggers no equivalent | before insert statement level | no equivalent | before update statement level | no equivalent | before delete statement level | no equivalent | before insert row level | no equivalent | before update row level | no equivalent | before delete row level | after insert trigger | after insert statement level | after update trigger | after update statement level | after delete trigger | after delete statement level | no equivalent | after insert row level | no equivalent | after update row level | no equivalent | after delete row level | no equivalent | OF Clause | no equivalent | REFERENCING Clause | with encryption | native compilation and wrap | |
Functions |
Analytic Functions Running average | AVG | AVG | Coefficient of correlation | no equivalent | CORR | Running count by partition | COUNT & COUNT_BIG | COUNT | Population covariance of a set of pairs | no equivalent | COVAR_COUNT | Sample covariance of a set of pairs | no equivalent | COVAR_SAMP | Cumulative distribution in a group | no equivalent | CUME_DIST | Rank within a group without gaps | DENSE_RANK | DENSE_RANK | Row ranked first by DENSE RANK | no equivalent | FIRST | First value of an ordered set | no equivalent | FIRST_VALUE | Provides access to a row by offset | no equivalent | LAG | Row ranked last by DENSE RANK | no equivalent | LAST_VALUE | Last value of an ordered set | no equivalent | LAST_VALUE | Provides access to a row by offset | no equivalent | LEAD | Maximum value by partition | MAX | MAX | Minimum value by partition | MIN | MIN | Divides an ordered dataset into buckets | NTILE | NTILE | Rowset partitioning | OVER | OVER | Calculates the value of r-1/rows-1 | no equivalent | PERCENT_RANK | An inverse distribution function | no equivalent | PERCENTILE_CONT | An inverse distribution function | no equivalent | PERCENTILE_DISC | Rank of a value in a group | RANK | RANK | Computes ratio of a value to the sum of a set | no equivalent | RATIO_TO_REPORT | Linear regression function | no equivalent | REGR_AVGX | Linear regression function | no equivalent | REGR_AVGY | Linear regression function | no equivalent | REGR_COUNT | Linear regression function | no equivalent | REGR_INTERCEPT | Linear regression function | no equivalent | REGR_R2 | Linear regression function | no equivalent | REGR_SLOPE | Linear regression function | no equivalent | REGR_SXX | Linear regression function | no equivalent | REGR_SXY | Linear regression function | no equivalent | REGR_SYY | Assigns row numbers by partition | ROW_NUMBER | ROW_NUMBER | Sample standard deviation | STDEV | STDDEV | Square root of the population variance | STDEVP | STDDEV_POP | Cumulative sample standard deviation | no equivalent | STDDEV_SAMP | Cumulative running total | SUM | SUM | Population variance of a set | VARP | VAR_POP | Sample variance of a set | no equivalent | VAR_SAMP | Variance of an expression | VAR | VARIANCE | |
Collection Functions Number of elements in a nested table | no equivalent | CARDINALITY | Creates a nested table from selected rows | no equivalent | COLLECT | Creates a nested table of nonempty subsets | no equivalent | POWERMULTISET | As above: Of the specified cardinality | no equivalent | POWERMULTISET_BY_CARDINALITY | Converts a nested table into a unique set | no equivalent | SET | |
Conversion Functions ASCII string into the DB character set | no equivalent | ASCIISTR | BFILE from directory + file name | FILESTREAM | BFILENAME | Bitvector to a number | no equivalent | BIN_TO_NUM | One data type to another | CAST & CONVERT | CAST | String to a ROWID | not relevant | CHARTOROWID | String to a unicode string | NCHAR | COMPOSE | One character set to another | no equivalent | CONVERT | Unicode string to a string | no equivalent | DECOMPOSE | Char containing hexadecimal digits to raw | no equivalent | HEXTORAW | Number into a Day-to-Second interval | no equivalent | NUMTODSINTERVAL | Number into a Year-to-Month interval | no equivalent | NUMTOYMINTERVAL | A value to its hash | no equivalent | ORA_HASH | Convert RAW to CHAR | no equivalent | RAW_TO_CHAR | Raw into a hexadecimal containing string | no equivalent | RAWTOHEX | Convert RAW to NCHAR | no equivalent | RAW_TO_NCHAR | Raw into a hexadecimal containing 'N' string | no equivalent | RAWTONHEX | Converts RAW to variable length string | no equivalent | RAW_TO_VARCHAR2 | Raw into a hexadecimal object REF | no equivalent | REFTOHEX | ROWID to CHAR | not relevant | ROWIDTOCHAR | ROWID to NCHAR | not relevant | ROWIDTONCHAR | Timestamp to its SCN equivalent | not relevant | SCNTOTIMESTAMP | Converts RAW to NUMBER | no equivalent | SYS_OP_RAWTONUM | Casts an array as a table | no equivalent | TABLE | An SCN to its timestamp equivalent | not relevant | TIMESTAMPTOSCN | Convert to BINARY_DOUBLE data type | CONVERT | TO_BINARYDOUBLE | Convert to BINARY_FLOAT data type | CONVERT | TO_BINARYFLOAT | Convert to CHAR or VARCHAR2 data type | STR | TO_CHAR | Convert to CLOB data type | no equivalent | TO_CLOB | Convert to DATE data type | no equivalent | TO_DATE | Convert to Day-to-Second Interval data type | no equivalent | TO_DSINTERVAL | LONG or LONG RAW to LOB data type | no equivalent | TO_LOB | Single byte to corresponding multi-byte | no equivalent | TO_MULTI_BYTE | Convert to NCHAR data type | no equivalent | TO_NCHAR | Convert to NCLOB data type | no equivalent | TO_NCLOB | Convert to NUMBER data type | no equivalent | TO_NUMBER | Multi-byte to corresponding single byte | no equivalent | TO_SINGLE_BYTE | Convert to TIMESTAMP data type | no equivalent | TO_TIMESTAMP | To TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE data type | no equivalent | TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ | Convert to Year-to-Month Interval data type | no equivalent | TO_YMINTERVAL | Changes character set | no equivalent | TRANSLATE_USING | Integer value based on Unicode standard | UNICODE | no equivalent | String to UTF8 or UTF16 | no equivalent | UNISTR | |
Date-Time Functions Date addition | DATEADD | + | Date subtraction | DATEDIFF | - | Add a month | no equivalent | ADD_MONTHS | First non-null value | COALESCE | COALESCE | Current date and time (low precision) | GETDATE CURRENT_DATE | CURRENT_DATE | Current date and time (high precision) | no equivalent | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Current date and time (low second) | GETDATE | SYSDATE | Current date and time (high precision) | no equivalent | SYSTIMESTAMP | Database's time-zone | no equivalent | DBTIMEZONE | Extract part from date-time or interval | no equivalent | EXTRACT | Alter time zone information | no equivalent | FROM_TZ | Largest of a set of dates | no equivalent | GREATEST | Last day of month | no equivalent | LAST_DAY | Smallest of a set of dates | no equivalent | LEAST | Months between dates | no equivalent | MONTHS_BETWEEN | Time zone conversion | no equivalent | NEW_TIME | First weekday after date | no equivalent | NEXT_DAY | Rounds date to unit specified | no equivalent | ROUND | Current session's time zone | no equivalent | SESSIONTIMEZONE | Coordinated universal time | GET_UTC_DATE | SYS_EXTRACT_UTC | Convert date part to name | DATENAME | TO_CHAR | Convert date part to number | DATEPART | TO_CHAR | Integer representing the day of the week | DAY | TO_CHAR | Integer representing the month of the year | MONTH | TO_CHAR | Integer representing the year | YEAR | TO_CHAR | Convert string to date | CAST | TO_DATE | Determine if a value/expression is a valid date | ISDATE | TO_DATE | Date from date-time | no equivalent | TRUNC | Time-zone offset | no equivalent | TZ_OFFSET | |
Data Mining Functions Cluster ID of the cluster with highest probability | no equivalent | CLUSTER_ID | Degree of confidence of membership of a row | no equivalent | CLUSTER_PROBABILITY | Varray of objects of possible clusters | no equivalent | CLUSTER_SET | Feature ID with highest coefficient value | no equivalent | FEATURE_ID | Varray of objects of all possible features | no equivalent | FEATURE_SET | Value of a given feature | no equivalent | FEATURE_VALUE | Best prediction for the specified model | no equivalent | PREDICTION | Cost measure of a given prediction | no equivalent | PREDICTION_COST | XML with model specific scoring | no equivalent | PREDICTION_DETAILS | Probability for a given prediction | no equivalent | PREDICTION_PROBABILITY | Varray of objects with all possible classes | no equivalent | PREDICTION_SET | |
Environment Functions Database / Schema Identifier | DB_ID | SYS_CONTEXT | Database Name | DB_NAME | SYS_CONTEXT | Host Identifier | HOST_ID | SYS_CONTEXT | Workstation Name | HOST_NAME | SYS_CONTEXT | Local language identifier | @@LANGID | SYS_CONTEXT | Name of language in use | @@LANGUAGE | SYS_CONTEXT | Value with the named context namespace | no equivalent | SYS_CONTEXT | User Session ID | @@SPID | UID | User name | CURRENT_USER | USER | Schema ID | SCHEMA_ID | SYS_CONTEXT | Schema name | SCHEMA_NAME | SYS_CONTEXT | Username in the current context | SESSION_USER | SYS_CONTEXT | Value with the named context namespace | no equivalent | USERENV | |
Miscellaneous Functions Null BLOB | no equivalent | EMPTY_BLOB | Null CLOB | no equivalent | EMPTY_CLOB | Length of an NCHAR column | no equivalent | NLS_CHARSET_DECL_LEN | ID of NLS character set | no equivalent | NLS_CHARSET_ID | Name of NLS character set from ID | no equivalent | NLS_CHARSET_NAME | Numeric identifier of current exception code | @@ERROR & ERROR_NUMBER | SQLCODE | Error message of current exception code | no equivalent | SQLERRM | Hierarchical path of column from root to node | no equivalent | SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH | 16 byte GUID | NEWID | SYS_GUID | Function that builds descending index values | no equivalent | SYS_OP_DESCEND | Index leaf block ID scan | no equivalent | SYS_OP_LBID | |
Model Functions Use left side value on right side calculation | no equivalent | CV | Iterate through data | no equivalent | ITERATE | Iterate a set number of times through data | no equivalent | ITERATE_UNTIL | Current iteration number | no equivalent | ITERATION_NUMBER | Returns expr1 prior to execution | no equivalent | PRESENTNNV | Returns expr1 prior to execution | no equivalent | PRESENTV | Reference prior model values | no equivalent | PREVIOUS | |
Null Handling Functions Evaluate one or both operands may be NULL | no equivalent | LNNVL | Returns NULL is expr1 and expr2 both NULL | NULLIF | NULLIF | Convert to string if NULL | ISNULL | NVL | Substitute if NULL or if NOT NULL | no equivalent | NVL2 | Map NULL for joins | (not relevant) | SYS_OP_MAP_NONNULL | |
Numeric Handling Functions Absolute value | ABS | ABS | Arc cosine | ACOS | ACOS | Arc sine | ASIN | ASIN | Arc tangent of n | ATAN | ATAN | Arc tangent1 divided by the arc tangent2 | ATN2 | ATAN2 | Average | AVG | AVG | Compute AND operation on bits | no equivalent | BITAND | Smallest integer >= value | CEILING | CEIL | First non-null value | COALESCE | COALESCE | Coefficient of correlation | no equivalent | CORR | Pearson's coefficient of correlation | no equivalent | CORR_K | Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient | no equivalent | CORR_S | Cosine | COS | COS | Hyperbolic cosine | COT | COSH | Number of values | COUNT & COUNT_BIG | COUNT | Population covariance | no equivalent | COVAR_POP | Sample covariance | no equivalent | COVAR_SAMP | Cumulative Distribution | no equivalent | CUME_DIST | Degrees | DEGREES | no equivalent | Rank of row in an ordered group | no equivalent | DENSE_RANK | Exponential value | EXP | EXP | Row ranked first using DENSE_RANK | no equivalent | FIRST | Round down to nearest integer | FLOOR | FLOOR | Largest of multiple values | no equivalent | GREATEST | Row ranked last using DENSE_RANK | no equivalent | LAST | Smallest of multiple values | no equivalent | LEAST | Natural logarithm | LOG | LN | Logarithm, base 10 | LOG10 | LOG | Maximum returned value | MAX | MAX | Middle value of the set | no equivalent | MEDIAN | Minimum returned value | MIN | MIN | Remainder from modulus using floor | use MODULO (%) operator | MOD | Returns alternate number if value not a number | no equivalent | NANVL | Percent ranking | no equivalent | PERCENT_RANK | Inverse distribution continuous dist. model | no equivalent | PERCENTILE_CONT | Inverse distribution discrete distribution model | no equivalent | PERCENTILE_DISC | Raise value to exponent power | POWER | POWER | Radians from a numeric expression | RADIANS | no equivalent | Random Number | RAND | dbms_cryto package | Rank in a group | no equivalent | RANK | Linear regression - avg of the independent var. | no equivalent | REGR_AVGX | Linear regression - avg of the independent var. | no equivalent | REGR_AVGY | Linear regression - non-null number pairs | no equivalent | REGR_COUNT | Linear regression - y intercept | no equivalent | REGR_INTERCEPT | Linear regression - coefficient of determination | no equivalent | REGR_R2 | Linear regression - slope of the line | no equivalent | REGR_SLOPE | Linear regression - auxiliary function | no equivalent | REGR_SXX | Linear regression - auxiliary function | no equivalent | REGR_SXY | Linear regression - auxiliary function | no equivalent | REGR_SYY | Remainder from modulus using round | no equivalent | REMAINDER | Round to integer place | ROUND | ROUND | Sign of number | SIGN | SIGN | Sine | SIN | SIN | Hyperbolic sine | no equivalent | SINH | Square | SQUARE | no equivalent | Square root | SQRT | SQRT | Exact probability test for dichotomous variables | no equivalent | STATS_BINOMIAL_TEST | Crosstabulation analysis of nominal variables | no equivalent | STATS_CROSSTAB | Whether two values are significantly different | no equivalent | STATS_F_TEST | Kolmogorov-Smirnov function | no equivalent | STATS_KS_TEST | Value with the greatest frequency | no equivalent | STATS_MODE | Mann Whitney test | no equivalent | STATS_MW_TEST | One-way analysis of variance function | no equivalent | STATS_ONE_WAY_ANOVA | measures significance of a difference of means | no equivalent | STATS_T_TEST | Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test of paired samples | no equivalent | STATS_WSR_TEST | Standard deviation | STDEV | STDDEV | Square root of the population variance | STDEVP | STDDEV_POP | Cumulative sample standard deviation | no equivalent | STDDEV_SAMP | Summation | SUM | SUM | Tangent | TAN | TAN | Hyperbolic tangent | no equivalent | TANH | Truncates to specified decimal places | no equivalent | TRUNC | Population variance of a set | no equivalent | VAR_POP | Sample variance of a set | no equivalent | VAR_SAMP | Variance of an expression | VAR | VARIANCE | Construct equiwidth histograms | no equivalent | WIDTH_BUCKET | |
Object Functions Object reference of an argument | no equivalent | DEREF | Creates a REF to an object row | no equivalent | MAKEREF | Returns a REF of an object instance | no equivalent | REF | Typeid of the most specific type of the operand | no equivalent | SYS_TYPEID | Returns object instance from an object table | no equivalent | VALUE | |
String Handling Functions Get the ASCII value of a character | ASCII | ASCII | Convert ASCII to character | CHAR | CHR | First non-null value | COALESCE | COALESCE | Concatenate strings | (expression + expression) | CONCAT | Converts From One Character Set To Another | no equivalent | CONVERT | Capitalize first letter of each word in string | no equivalent | INITCAP | Starting point of pattern in a string | CHARINDEX & PATINDEX | INSTR | Starting point in bytes of pattern in a string | no equivalent | INSTRB | Starting point in Unicode of pattern in a string | no equivalent | INSTRC | Starting point in UCS2 of pattern in a string | no equivalent | INSTR2 | Starting point in UCS4 of pattern in a string | no equivalent | INSTR4 | Length of character string in characters | DATALENGTH or LEN | LENGTH | Length of character string in bytes | no equivalent | LENGTHB | Convert characters to lower case | LOWER | LOWER | Pad left side of character string | SPACE | LPAD | Left trim a string | LTRIM | LTRIM | NLS initial letter upper case | no equivalent | NLS_INITCAP | NLS lower case | no equivalent | NLS_LOWER | String of bytes used to sort a string | no equivalent | NLSSORT | NLS upper case | no equivalent | NLS_UPPER | Define quote delimiters | no equivalent | QUOTE_DELIMITERS | Regular expression instring | no equivalent | REGEXP_INSTR | Regular expression replace | no equivalent | REGEXP_REPLACE | Regular expression substring | no equivalent | REGEXP_SUBSTR | Replace part of a string with a string | STUFF | REPLACE | Reverses a character expression | REVERSE | REVERSE | Pad right side of character string | SPACE | RPAD | Right trim a string | RTRIM | RTRIM | Phonetic representation of character string | SOUNDEX | SOUNDEX | Difference between the SOUNDEX values | DIFFERENCE | UTL_MATCH built-in Package | Substring in characters | LEFT, RIGHT & SUBSTRING | SUBSTR | Substring in bytes | no equivalent | SUBSTRB | Substring in Unicode characters | no equivalent | SUBSTRC | Substring in UCS2 | no equivalent | SUBSTR2 | Substring in UCS4 | no equivalent | SUBSTR4 | Character data converted from numeric data | STR | TO_CHAR | Translate character string | no equivalent | TRANSLATE | Translate character string using character set | no equivalent | TRANSLATE USING | Change declared type of an expression | no equivalent | TREAT | Left and right trim a string | no equivalent | TRIM | Convert characters to upper case | UPPER | UPPER | |
XML Handling Functions Append value to target XML as a child node | no equivalent | APPENDCHILDXML | Deletes node(s) matched by XPath expression | no equivalent | DELETEXML | Levels in the path specified by UNDER_PATH | no equivalent | DEPTH | Does specified node exist | no equivalent | EXISTSNODE | Returns XMLType instance containing fragment | no equivalent | EXTRACT | Returns a scalar value of the resultant node | no equivalent | EXTRACTVALUE | Inserts value to target XML as a child node | no equivalent | INSERTCHILDXML | Inserts value to target XML before named node | no equivalent | INSERTXMLBEFORE | Relative path that leads to resource | no equivalent | PATH | Generates a URL of datatype DBURIType | no equivalent | SYS_DBURIGEN | Aggregates XML documents or fragments | no equivalent | SYS_XMLAGG | Returns XMLType containing an XML doc. | no equivalent | SYS_XMLGEN | Returns XMLType instance with updated value | no equivalent | UPDATEXML | Returns an aggregated XML document | no equivalent | XMLAGG | Generates a CDATA section | no equivalent | XMLCDATA | Creates XML fragment & expands resulting XML | no equivalent | XMLCOLLATVAL | Generates an XML comment | no equivalent | XMLCOMMENT | Concatenates XML elements | no equivalent | XMLCONCAT | Returns concatenation of XML fragments | no equivalent | XMLFOREST | Parses and generates an XML instance | no equivalent | XMLPARSE | Generates an XML processing instruction | no equivalent | XMLPI | Returns query results as XML | no equivalent | XMLQUERY | Create new XML value from version & properties | no equivalent | XMLROOT | Returns Varray of top level nodes | no equivalent | XMLSEQUENCE | Creates a string/LOB containing the contents | no equivalent | XMLSERIALIZE | Returns query of XML results as relational data | no equivalent | XMLTABLE | Applies XSLT to XML instance | no equivalent | XMLTRANSFORM | |
Data Types |
String (Character) Types | Fixed length string | CHAR (8K) | CHAR (2K) | Fixed length string | NCHAR (8K) | NCHAR (2K) | Variable length string | CHAR (8K) | CHARACTER (2K) | Variable length string | VARCHAR (8K) | VARCHAR2 (32K) | Variable length string | NVARCHAR (8K) | NVARCHAR2 (32K) | Variable length string | VARCHAR (8K) | STRING (32K) | Variable length string | no equivalent | LONG (2GB) | Variable length string | no equivalent | CLOB (128 TB) | Variable length string | TEXT (deprecated) | CLOB | Variable length string | NTEXT (deprecated) | CLOB | | Numeric Data Types | Integer | BIT | NUMBER(1,0) | Integer | TINYINT (1 byte) | SMALLINT, INT, INTEGER, BINARY INTEGER, and PLS_INTEGER (all up to 38 digits) | Integer | SMALLINT (2 bytes) | Integer | INT (4 bytes) | Integer | BIGINT (8 bytes) | Number | DECIMAL (1 byte) | DEC, DECIMAL, NUMERIC, NUMBER (up to 38 digits) | Number | NUMERIC (2 bytes) | Floating point numbers | FLOAT | FLOAT | Floating point numbers | REAL | REAL (63 binary digits) | Floating point numbers | no equivalent | DOUBLE_PRECISION (126 binary digits) | Floating point numbers | no equivalent | FLOAT (126 binary digits) | Floating point numbers using native machine arithmetic | no equivalent | BINARY_FLOAT (32 bit) | Floating point numbers using native machine arithmetic | no equivalent | BINARY_DOUBLE (64 bit) | Non-negative integers | no equivalent | NATURAL | Not nullable non-negative integers | no equivalent | NATURALN | Only positive integers | no equivalent | POSITIVE | Not nullable non-negative integers | no equivalent | POSITIVEN | -1, 0 or +1 only | no equivalent | SIGNTYPE | | Monetary Data Types |
| SMALLMONEY | (user definable) |
| MONEY | (user definable) | | Date, Interval, Time, and Timezone Data Types | Date-Time (low precision) | SMALLDATETIME & DATE | DATE (to 1 sec) | Date-Time (high precision) | DATETIME & DATETIME2 | TIMESTAMP (to 1 nanosecond) |
| no equivalent | INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH |
| no equivalent | INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND | hh:mm:ss.nnnnnnn | TIME | EXTRACT(TIMESTAMP) |
| Boolean | Boolean TRUE / FALSE | no equivalent | BOOLEAN |
| Binary Data Types | Fixed length binary | BINARY | RAW or LONG RAW | Variable length binary | VARBINARY | RAW OR LONG RAW |
| | LONG RAW |
| (not relevant) | MLSLABEL |
| Row Identifiers |
| UNIQUEIDENTIFIER | no equivalent |
| (not relevant) | ROWID |
| (not relevant) | UROWID | | Polymorphic Data Types | Any named SQL type or transient type | no equivalent | ANYTYPE | An instance of a given type, with data, plus a description of the type | SQL_VARIANT | ANYDATA | Values of the data instances can be of SQL built-in types as well as user-defined types | no equivalent | ANYDATASET |
| CURSOR | REFCURSOR | | URI Data Types | Store DBURIRefs | no equivalent | DBURIType | Store URLs to external web pages or to files | no equivalent | HTTPURIType | An object type for storing XML | XML | URIType | Expose documents in the XML hierarchy | no equivalent | XDBURIType | | Spatial Types | - | no equivalent | SDO_GEOMETRY | - | no equivalent | SDO_GEORASTER | - | no equivalent | SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY | | Media Types | Supports the storage and management of audio data | no equivalent | ORDAudio | Supports storage and management of any type of media data, including audio, image and video data | no equivalent | ORDDoc | Supports the storage and management of image data | no equivalent | ORDImage | Compact representation of the color, texture, and shape information of image data | no equivalent | ORDImageSignature | Supports the storage and management of video data | no equivalent | ORDVideo | Represents a feature that characterizes an image by its average color | no equivalent | SI_AverageColor | Encapsulates color values | no equivalent | SI_Color | Characterizes an image by the relative frequencies of the colors exhibited by samples of the raw image | no equivalent | SI_ColorHistogram | List containing up to four of the image feature | no equivalent | SI_FeatureList | Most significant colors of a rectangle | no equivalent | SI_PositionalColor | Inherent image characteristics such as height, width, and format | no equivalent | SI_Stillimage | Size of repeating items coarseness, contrast, and predominant direction | no equivalent | SI_Texture | |
Miscellaneous |
Derived Table | In-line View |
No equivalent technology | Bulk Insert |
SQL Server has a totally different internal structure than Oracle has. In SQL Server, a table is basically a big linked-list and the data blocks are essentially the leaf-blocks of the cluster index. Those blocks are then doubly-linked back and forth so you can traverse the table in a full table scan or in an index range scan. In fact, an index range scan of the whole table is essentially (physically) the same as a full table scan. I'm not sure exactly why, but SQL Server has always had trouble with corruption of these link-list pointers. Run DBCC to check (and fix) problems with these pointers. | No equivalent issue |
Wildcards | Wildcards |
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