New features in Java SE 8
- Lambda Expressions
- Pipelines and Streams
- Date and Time API
- Default Methods
- Type Annotations
- Nashhorn JavaScript Engine
- Concurrent Accumulators
- Parallel operations
- PermGen Error Removed
New features in Java SE 7
- Strings in switch Statement
- Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation
- Multiple Exception Handling
- Support for Dynamic Languages
- Try with Resources
- Java nio Package
- Binary Literals, underscore in literals
- Diamond Syntax
- Automatic null Handling
New features in Java SE 6
- Scripting Language Support
- JDBC 4.0 API
- Java Compiler API
- Pluggable Annotations
- Native PKI, Java GSS, Kerberos and LDAP support.
- Integrated Web Services.
- Lot more enhancements.
- Performance enhancements. Running a Java 5 app on Java 6 even without recompilation will run faster.
- Java Scripting - it's not just BeanShell anymore. The new package javax.scripting allows access to about 20 different languages from within a running JVM - some are Java based and run in-VM, others spawn external scripting processes. But the access is unified so you don't have to know how it works. Just ask for a "Scripting Engine" and feed it your (or, your users'!) scripts.
- XML SOAP-based Web Services (JAX-WS) supported directly in Java SE - just add a few annotations and go! Works with JAXB (Java API for XML Binding) which converts between objects and XML. JAX-WS and JAXB are also supported in Java EE 5.
- JDBC4 (enhancements) and bundled Java Database based on Apache Derby (great for in-JVM testing of database code without deploying a database, similar to HyperSonic or HSQL).
- Compiler API exposed, for those needing to generate and compile code on the fly.
- Annotations plug-ins (added runtime support for annotation processing).
- Many Swing GUI Improvements.
- A Console class, with readLine (prompting) and readPassword() - reads in "no echo" mode.
- Generics
- Enhanced for Loop
- Autoboxing/Unboxing
- Typesafe Enums
- Varargs
- Static Import
- Metadata (Annotations)
- Instrumentation
New features in J2SE 1.4
- XML Processing
- Java Print Service
- Logging API
- Java Web Start
- JDBC 3.0 API
- Assertions
- Preferences API
- Chained Exception
- IPv6 Support
- Regular Expressions
- Image I/O API
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